Dreamer's World February 7 2017 - A Warm Tuesday

Tuesday is here. One of the things that I am adjusting to is the new computer equipment that my company provided to me recently. I finally had some time to set things up last night and this morning I have a 23” monitor connected to my Surface Pro 4 which makes for a big difference in how I see things as I work. I am no longer squinting at a small 12” screen and the difference is amazing. THe best part is that there is ANOTHER 23” monitor that I still have to connect. I purchased a dual-monitor adjustable arm set from Amazon and now I feel like a real BOSS at work! I will get some pics of the setup once everything is complete to share with everyone.
In other news, Hal wants to take another look at an apartment that we both liked, as well as one other at the same community. We will do this after work today and perhaps it will help to narrow the search even further. All of the effort we put in now will make the final decision so much easier when the time arrives.

At the end of this adventure after work, I want to watch the UK basketball game before going to bed, hopefully at a reasonable hour.


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