Dreamer's World January 10 2017 - Daily Prompt "Uneven"
The Daily Prompt is “Uneven”. I think that the prompt could just as easily have been called “Life” because “Uneven” is the perfect description of how we move through our lives from one day to the next. It is seldom a smooth trip, there are always issues and complications to deal with that keep us from living an “Even” life.
The “Uneven” quality is what actually makes life worth living. Without the struggles we would not grow. Without the triumphs, we would not be able to get through the down times. It is the yin and yang of the Universe and we are all caught in the eternal struggle between up and down. I think that when we step back from time to time and look at our lives, we realize that we are always on an upward trend. The latest pitfall might seem awful, but compared to the ones that we have already overcome, we know that we will get through.
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