Dreamer's World January 18 2017 - Last Full Workday Of The Week

Today is the last full workday of this week for me. Tomorrow I have a chiropractor appointment in the afternoon and then I am taking Friday off for my birthday. I hope to get as much done as possible before the end of this day before I go into shutdown mode.
I made my weekly trip to the client’s offices to meet with them and to update the laptop that they provide to me. This is a very informal meeting, and I am grateful for that. I arrived home in time to prepare a lunch for myself before getting into a busy afternoon of preparing my meeting notes for tomorrow morning. In addition I will meet 1-1 with my supervisor since Monday was a holiday, and then I will be shutting down for the evening.
Hal (person) has been looking at more apartments, so it is possible that we could go to see some in person on Friday. I don’t believe that my birthday should be treated as a reverent occasion, if there is something that needs to be done, we should do it while we have the time.
One necessary task will be ti replace the headlight on the Beetle. I noticed it was out last night and I don’t need cops hassling me over something as trivial as this. I am going to drop the Beetle off at the local repair shop this afternoon. I called them and they said it won’t be a problem to take care of it. Since the repair shop is less than a block away, I will probably drive the Beetle over early this afternoon and let them replace the headlight at their leisure. That way, I can pick it up later without any trouble.
Thankfully, the Beetle headlight replacement didn’t take long. Once work was over with I picked up the Beetle and then Hal and I went to check out a few more apartments. We saw two very nice places, but one of them really got to Hal, I could tell. It floored both of us when they said that the DO NOT CHARGE PET RENT!!! Yes, this place has NO PET RENT each month. That has moved this apartment to the top of our prospective list. Sadly, it is still too soon to make the official decision, that will happen in March.

We are home for the evening and I hope to get a good night of rest before starting a short workday tomorrow.


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