Dreamer's World January 15 2017 - Getting Lazy
I have gotten lazy recently with my blog posting. I find myself waiting until the following day to publish what I have written. Part of this is because I always tell myself that I will get back to the blog post in the evening and finish it up with some grand flourish, but that never seems to happen.
I am concerned because I recognize this as the first step to ignoring my writing completely and I cannot allow that to happen. If the trend continues, the next thing is that I will simply write the entire post for one day on the following day and pretend that I am doing the right thing. This is only fooling myself and I don’t want that to happen.
Some people have resolutions that always fail. I don’t make resolutions for a new year, I make them when I feel a need, but I hesitate to even call it a resolution. It is more of a statement to myself that something is important and that as with all important things, that I have to work in order to make it happen at all. I simply don’t place any relevance on the date when I make the decision.
I am going to intensify my efforts to stay up-to-date with this blog because I know how I will allow things to get in the way if I don’t make the commitment to myself. I do know that when I stop writing for any period of time that I feel awful, writing is something that drives me. It is an internal need that has to be met in order to keep me going. As I type this on Sunday afternoon, all of the necessary things have been done for the day. I am waiting for Hal (person) to get home from work and hopefully we will go out for a nice quick dinner together early this evening.
I have tomorrow off work, and it will be an even shorter week with my chiropractor appointment on Thursday afternoon followed by my birthday on Friday. That will be an event because I will NOT allow anything related to the inauguration of a NAZI to interfere with my birthday! I will NOT watch any TV at all on my birthday because I do not want to see this nation accept a NAZI as leader!
I hope that the depression that my birthday is generating will not last long afterwards. I am already steeling myself to the onslaught of hatred and intolerance that the NAZIS will unleash on this nation.
At any rate, with Sunday evening here. I am completing this blog post on-time and looking forward to doing the same from now on.
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